Students Learn About Aleph’s Work and Impact

December 7, 2022

Students of the older division at Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway enjoyed an interactive presentation by Rabbi Rafi Chemel of Aleph Institute, learning about the tremendous work the institute does for Jewish inmates all over the world.

Students of the older division at Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway enjoyed an interactive presentation by Rabbi Rafi Chemel of Aleph Institute, learning about the tremendous work the institute does for Jewish inmates all over the world.

Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway has become known for its all-encompassing and individualized educational style. The budding yeshiva has placed an emphasis on developing the talmidim, not only academically, but also in their midos tovos and yiras shamayim. That focus has become pervasive throughout all of their programming and learning activities.

In step with this message, the yeshiva coordinated with the Aleph Institute to produce an interactive learning experience for the talmidim. A unique workshop was created to help the talmidim appreciate and learn from the extraordinary chesed they have become known for.

Rabbi Chemel used a PowerPoint presentation to teach the message and purpose of the Institute’s activities, as well as the fascinating work the renowned chesed organization engages in on a daily basis.

After learning about some of the projects and initiatives Aleph has created for Jewish inmates all over the world, the interactive workshop concluded with some hands-on learning, as the talmidim got an opportunity to help prepare and decorate care packages for the children of Jewish inmates in need.

This was a perfect opportunity to give the talmidim a taste of chesed exemplified, to see what it means to give something of themselves for another Jew.